Can A Christian Marry A Drunkard?

In the journey of love and commitment, Christians are often faced with questions about the compatibility of their faith with certain life choices, including the decision to marry someone struggling with alcoholism. The Bible provides clear guidance, reminding us that as believers, our unions should reflect God’s light and wisdom. Ephesians 5:18 Amplified Bible 18 […]

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Love Expressions In Marriage

Love is nothing unless it is expressed correctly and received correctly. Note this: when you honour your husband, you demonstrate your love for him; when you love your wife, you demonstrate your honour for her. Say to your spouse often: “I was sent to you by God to do you good – say it meaningfully; […]

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Husbands Love Your Wives

Genesis 2:18-24King James Version18 And the Lord God said It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see […]

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How To Have A Good Marriage

How To Have A Good Marriage. The composition of this message began with an inspired title, and then God, who inspired the title, also inspired the words. So, all the glory belongs to Him. I pray that as you read to the end, your marriage will be better for it, and if you are planning […]

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Naked and Not Ashamed

Someone posted on one of the social media platforms saying that: “A woman that is not willing to meet her husband’s sexual needs is exposing him to the arms of a promiscuous woman”. But wait a minute: in this day and age, an exposure of a man (married and unmarried) to a promiscuous woman happens […]

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