Purposed Faith and Divine Results: A Journey Through Scripture

In our walk with Christ, faith is not merely an abstract belief but a powerful, purposeful force that yields transformative results. As we explore the scriptures, we see numerous examples where faith, when combined with purpose, brought about miraculous outcomes. Today, let’s delve into the stories found in Matthew 9:27-29, Mark 5:27-29, and Luke 8:48 to understand the profound impact of purposed faith.

The Blind Men Receive Sight (Matthew 9:27-29)

In Matthew 9:27-29, we read about two blind men who followed Jesus, crying out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” Despite their physical blindness, their faith was clear and unwavering. Jesus asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They replied, “Yes, Lord.” Then He touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you,” and their sight was restored.

This story highlights that faith is not passive but active and purposeful. The blind men sought Jesus with a specific purpose: to be healed. Their faith was not just in Jesus’ ability to heal but also in His willingness to respond to their need. Jesus’ response, “According to your faith let it be done to you,” underscores the principle that the results of our faith are directly related to the purpose and intensity of our belief.

The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:27-29)

Mark 5:27-29 recounts the story of a woman who had been suffering from a bleeding condition for twelve years. When she heard about Jesus, she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” She approached Jesus in a crowd and touched His cloak. Immediately, her bleeding stopped, and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.

This woman’s faith was deliberate and specific. She didn’t wait for Jesus to notice her; instead, she took the initiative, believing that even a touch of His garment would heal her. Her purposed faith brought about a miraculous result. Jesus, recognizing her faith, said, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

The Healing of Jairus’ Daughter and the Woman’s Faith (Luke 8:48)

In Luke 8:48, we find another account of the woman with the issue of blood. After she touched Jesus’ cloak and was healed, Jesus sought her out in the crowd. When she came forward, trembling, Jesus reassured her, saying, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

In this passage, we see a beautiful affirmation of how personal and purposed faith leads to peace and healing. The woman’s faith was not just a vague hope but a determined action based on her belief in Jesus’ power.

Lessons from Purposed Faith

1. Faith Requires Action: Each story demonstrates that faith is not passive. The blind men called out to Jesus; the woman with the issue of blood reached out to touch His garment. Faith compels us to move, to act in accordance with our belief.

2. Faith Has a Clear Purpose: The individuals in these stories had specific needs and a clear understanding of what they sought from Jesus. Our faith should likewise be directed and purposeful, aligned with God’s promises.

3. Faith Yields Results: Jesus consistently responded to faith with tangible results. Whether it was restoring sight or healing a chronic condition, the results of faith were evident and transformative.

4. Faith Brings Peace: The healing and restoration experienced by those who believed were accompanied by peace. True faith not only meets our immediate needs but also brings spiritual tranquility.

Embracing Purposed Faith Today

As we reflect on these scriptures, let’s challenge ourselves to cultivate a faith that is both purposeful and active. Let’s approach Jesus with our specific needs, believing not only in His power but also in His desire to respond to us. Remember, it is “according to your faith” that it will be done.

In every circumstance, let our faith be driven by a clear purpose, trusting that God, who is faithful, will bring about the results in His perfect timing. And as we walk in this purposed faith, may we find peace, healing, and transformation in our lives, just as those in the scriptures did.


Purposed faith is a dynamic force that changes lives. By following the examples in Matthew 9:27-29, Mark 5:27-29, and Luke 8:48, we can see the undeniable link between faith, action, and divine results. Let’s strive to live out a faith that is intentional and directed, knowing that God honors such faith with His miraculous power.

May our journey of faith be marked by purpose and the powerful results of God’s grace and love.


• The Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV)

• The Holy Bible, King James Version (KJV)

Embrace purposed faith, and witness the divine results that follow.

The Message Bearer, Cornelius Bella

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